Chantry Farm demolished

It only took a few days to demolish the main house. Sad to lose it for ever. The foundations of the new buildings are being dug and there is a large crane on the site.

Chichester DC response

We will be summarising the comments received. If you would like to come into East Pallant House towards the end of the month, all comments forms received will be available for people to look at. We will also be taking a report to Executive Board on 10th July with a summary and response to the comments that were made.

Due to the number of responses received we will be unable to say exactly how many were received for each settlement.


That's it!

Time's up! A request has been made to Chichester DC for the number of ldf comment forms submitted from Westbourne and any response will be posted here.

Deadline approaches fast

This coming Friday, 2nd March by 4.30pm, you must have your responses in. There's not much time left! Click on Comments Form.doc in the sidebar to get a copy of the form you have to fill in.

Flood Risk - a real threat?

Take a look at the Environment Agency's map of Westbourne. The land designated for development is next to the area coloured blue on the map.
Go and take a look at the stream in the meadows to the north of Foxbury Lane.

Planning Policy Guidance - PPG3

Read the section headed "Creating mixed communities - influencing the size and type of housing" in the Government's PPG3 document. This seminal document is to be replaced with PPS3, the draft of which I am unable to locate a copy. Anyone know how to view it? Lets hope that the new version contains similar wording to - "Local planning authorities should encourage the development of mixed and balanced communities: they should ensure that new housing developments help to secure a better social mix by avoiding the creation of large areas of housing of similar characteristics" . That is exactly what was NOT done with the most recent Westbourne housing estates, or indeed any of them. Take a look at the Poundbury photo and see what can be done.

Would that local planners would follow this policy.

Consulting the Public - our response

Shaping the Future is the general title of Chichester DC's planning strategy produced as part of its exercise to comply with the requirements for new housing set by the South East of England Regional Assembly. The Core Strategy Submission (CSS) is the rather grand title of the document upon which the so-called Informal Consultation Delivering Development Opportunities or LDF is based.
A meaningful response needs to refer to policies set out in the LDF document. Those policies are meant to follow the policies set out in the CSS document, so one needs to refer to both of these documents in compiling a response. Policies in the one may conflict with policies in the other.
The above link takes you to a page where the CSS is available in a set of pdfs.
Then there are the PPGs (Planning Policy Guidance) or PPSs (Planning Policy Statements) as they are now to be called.
I cannot pretend that this is an easy exercise. One is delving into planning speak.
Watch this space.